Article name Metatext in Philology: Immersion of a Student in the Text, Establishment of Some Intertextual Links in Internal Communication Situations, Entering of a Personality into the World
Authors Akhmetova M.N.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 80
Article type
Annotation The subject of the article consists in searching the components of the metatext internal space, technological solutions, as well as in defining the functions of the modern diary prose metatext. According to our research, the metatext is some elements of the text, which are relevant to the communicative situation and related to the real life. It includes the relations between the parties of a dialogue, immersion in the text, establishment of some intertextual links. In our research, metatextual interpretation is presented as a nonlinear, virtual one. The metatext is not a continuance of the text, but it is some cut-in constructions, worldview aspect of its actions and images. The internal space of the metatext consists of situations of “contexture of views”, co-thinking, establishment of contact with someone another and the world. The metatext has certain functions. Thanks to the metatext, some own personal definitions are derived, some evaluations are built up. The modern diary prose talks to its reader, appeals to his/her feelings and thoughts through the metatextual insertions. The article presents the functions of the metatext. The first function consists in creating of a united metapoetical space. The second one is intended to help a reader to realize his/her role in life, nature, and the world. The third function is the expression of the author’s point of view, his/her attitude to the situation, consciousness of the united world. The fourth function lies in the assonance of the metatext to the speech from the author, consciousness of the unity of “Ego” and “the other”. The fifth function of the metatext is its remotability, correlation of several viewpoints. The author of the diary prose, which we examine in our article, could not only tell about his spent days, he lived also in the past, present and future of his state. Thus, a reader sees the author as a personality, “selfhood”, someone, who is conscious of his role in the life.
Key words metatext, metatext links, modern diary prose, mental space of the metatext
Article information
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Full articleMetatext in Philology: Immersion of a Student in the Text, Establishment of Some Intertextual Links in Internal Communication Situations, Entering of a Personality into the World