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Article name | Linguistic-Psychological Model of Effective Media Text |
Authors | Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811 + 002. 703.0 |
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Annotation | This paper analyzes socio-psycholinguistic instruments of the media text. Urgency in research of effective potential of the modern media text capable of providing mass effects of the audience response is underlined. A wide theoretical research basis in the fields of philology and psychology is proposed to provide the main approaches to measuring the media text effectiveness. A psychological (communicative) approach determines the structure and content of the proposed linguistic-psychological model of measuring the media text effectiveness. Key context components of the effectiveness are marked out including interest, attention, perception, indicators of the media text effectiveness such as information retrieval, repetition and memorization level. Basic types of effects are generalized such as cognitive, emotional and behavioral ones. Factors of effectiveness are reviewed with the help of psycho-linguistic analysis of the media text as a product of person’s verbal and cogitative activity. Characteristic of the media text effects is determined by the specific character of text formation and text perception processes that en ables to study external and internal factors of the media text effectiveness uniting implicit and explicit conditions of increasing and decreasing the energy potential of the text. Basic effectiveness factors include personal author’s and media text consumer’s characteristics determining a level of effects, text techniques of an active dialog, format and genre text characteristics. |
Key words | media text, effectiveness, interest, attention, effectiveness factors, linguistic-psychological model |
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Full article | Linguistic-Psychological Model of Effective Media Text |