Article name Criticism Modus in the Structure of Linguistic Personality RETRACTION
Authors Teplyashina A.N.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK _070.4
Article type
Annotation This article is about phenomenon of criticism. Criticism is seen as a form of journalistic analysis of the present. Criticism is identical to ironic mode. The ironic mode is the concept of evolution of literature. The concept of mode was developed by famous Canadian scientist N. Frye. In studies of media discourse understanding of criticism is updated. Criticism is seen as a way to understand the social and aesthetic development of the regulation of certain phenomena and processes. The depth of journalistic analysis depends on structural components of the language personality of a journalist. Interpretation, explanation, representation, predictive focus assessments, communication capabilities, the reduction of thought processes together are the mechanism for implementing the functions of criticism. Criticism is established as a core language personality. In the context of the ironic mode, the criticism should be considered in two aspects. In a single manifestation, it appears as identifying communicative-pragmatic (practical) kind of thinking. This kind of thinking is produced in the context of aesthetic perception and aesthetic experience. The philosophical-sociological approach to the phenomenon of criticism helps to focus on objective epistemological content and social functions of critical activity. In this sense, criticism is one of the types of socially productive activities with socio-regulative, heuristic, aesthetic and axiological functions. Between the methods of criticism and journalism chosen by the author as a linguistic personality, the differences are minor. In these kinds of activity, subordination of method-forming guidelines acts as structurally similar one. Socio-regulatory point in both cases dominates. Socio-regulatory unit depends on the language activity of the author. An important condition is the degree of preference of the ironic mode by the author as the most satisfying taste of the era. Genre invariant of the essay – the editorial column – identifies itself in the context of the ironic mode.
Key words journalistic analysis, criticism, modus, irony, socio-transformative activities, linguisticpersonality, genre invariant
Article information
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