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Article name | Phonologic Typology of Primordial Personal Names in the Mongolian Languages |
Authors | Lamozhapova I.A.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811.51.512.3 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the phonologic typology of primordial simple primary personal names in the Buryat, Mongolian, Kalmyk languages. Some structural signs of a personal name are given from the point of view of the name borders as a sign. Features of final sounds of personal names, compliances and options of the Mongolian anthroponyms on phonologic signs are analyzed. For definition of typology of names the material is selected according to semantics of their bases, in other words, compliances of names with identical semantics are given. The comparative analysis allowed the author to draw conclusions. So, the finals of the Buryat anthroponyms have kept phonologic, anatomic-physiological characteristics and are visually fixed in spelling, the Mongolian anthroponyms have lost the final sounds both in respect of pronunciation, and writing, most likely due to the influence of the internal law of energy economy. The Kalmyk personal names developed a final sound in two options: firstly, unclear sound which isn’t reflected in the letter but only in reference books, in dictionaries (in a transcription), secondly, long monophthong which is on the letter, by rules of spelling in a position of a non-first syllable, is reflected by one vowel. So, the final sound is reduced or, on the contrary, amplifies. In some names the final sound is reduced, or, on the contrary, it is strengthened. |
Key words | Mongolian languages, anthroponym, primordial simple primary name, phonologic structure, typology, compliances, options |
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Full article | Phonologic Typology of Primordial Personal Names in the Mongolian Languages |