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Article name | The Involvement of the Russian Peasants into the Fur Trade as a Result of Relocation to Ayan Tract in 1851–1852 |
Authors | Kushnarеva M.D.Doctor of History rita270880@mail.ruDameshek L.M.Doctor of History, Professor |
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UDK | 339.166 (571.5) |
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Annotation | The article analyzes the underlying causes and preconditions for the Russian peasants’ resettlement to Ayan tract of Tarbagatay region. The authors concluded that the main reasons for the Russian peasants’ relocation from Zabaikalye to Ayan tract at Yakutsk region were the intention to develop its economic potential in the new territories. The article notes that as a result of relocation to Ayan, the peasant families with high economic potential left it. The authors note that in the period of the Russian-American company in northeastern Siberia the Russian peasant settlers have established partnerships with major employers Siberia, exercising their trade through the ports of the Sea of Okhotsk. Moreover, knowing the economic features of the region enabled peasant settlers after the close Russian-American Company to continue its economic development and begin the deliveries of food to the gold mines at Lena-Olekma system. In the final part of the study authors point out the important role of the warehouses arrangement by A. M. Kushnaryov – one of the peasant settlers on Ayan tract. These warehouses were of strategic importance because Nelkan in the late of the XIXth century acquires the status of commodity-distribution point, where goods were unloaded, brought by sea, and the furs party for shipment was formed for foreign markets. Thus, as a result of the resettlement of the Russian peasants to Ayan tract, at the end of the XIXth century A. M. Kushnarev’s initial capital was formed. At the beginning of the XXth century the fur trade becomes the main area of economic activity of the firm «A. M. Kushnarev’s Heirs ». |
Key words | North-Eastern Siberia, Russian peasants, relocation, Ayan tract, fur trade, gold mining, merchants, Russian-American Company |
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Full article | The Involvement of the Russian Peasants into the Fur Trade as a Result of Relocation to Ayan Tract in 1851–1852 |