Article name Study of the Mongolian Peoples at Chita Department of the Russian Geographic Union (at the turn of XIX−XX)
Authors Polyanskayа O.N.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 94 (=512.36)
Article type
Annotation This article is one of our publications about the role of the scientific societies of Russia (in the XIX – beginning of the XX cc.) in the development of the Russian scientific school of the Mongolian studies. The great contribution in studying of Mongolian people was carry by the scientific societies of Russia such as: The Imperial Russian archaeological society (1846); The Oriental society (1900) and The Russian committee for research the Middle and Eastern Asia (1903) – the first two unions had the special oriental profile. The Imperial Russian geographic union (RGU) with its departments engages the special place in the Russian scientific school of Mongolian studies. It organized many scientific expeditions on the territory of ethnic setting of buryats and Mongols. This article is devoted to scientific researching of The Chita department (Zabaikalsky) of RGU in Mongolian studying. The Chita department organized the Aginsky expedition (1908) in order to study the economy of cattle-breeding, culture and the steppe’s nature. The article shows the materials of D. M. Golovachev, V. V. Soldatov – members of the expedition. They collected materials about the Buryats of the Aginsky steppe and annualized changes in the Buryat’s cattle-breeding, things 1897 year to 1908 year. In fact, their papers had become the first special works, devoted to the Buryats of the Aginskaya steppe. Therefore, we can include the Golovachev’s and Soldatov’s names on the list of Mongolian studying scientists. Besides that this article the notes the rule of the Buryat’s intelligentsia in the successful expedition’s work; it concerns the great activity the Buryat’s teachers: B.-D. Ochirov, Ch. Bazarov, the Buddhist clergy headed by Ch.-D. I. Ireltyev – the heard of the Buddhist church in the Eastern Siberia and same others. The cooperation of The Chita department’s members with the Buryat’s intelligentsia has made the important rule in the development of the Russian scientific school of the Mongolian studies. In 2014 year The Chita department of RGU celebrates the remarkable date of its history, 120 years from date of its foundation.
Key words Russian scientific school of the Mongolian studies, scientific societies of Russia, The Imperial Russian geographic union (RGU), The Chita department of RGU, Mongolian peoples, D. M. Golovachev, V. V. Soldatov, Ochirov, Ch. Bazarov.
Article information
References 1. Istoricheskaya entsiklopediya Sibiri. Novosibirsk, 2009. T. 2. 807 s. 2. Polyanskaya O. N. Mongolovednye napravleniya v issledovaniyakh Russkogo komiteta dlya izucheniya Srednei i Vostochnoi Azii // Vestnik Buryatskogo un-ta. Vyp. Istoriya. 2013. # 7. S. 123–130. 3. Entsiklopediya Zabaikal’ya. Aginskii buryatskii okrug. Novosibirsk, 2009. 352 s. 4. Entsiklopediya Zabaikal’ya. Chitinskaya oblast’. Novosibirsk, 2006. T. III. 541 s.
Full articleStudy of the Mongolian Peoples at Chita Department of the Russian Geographic Union (at the turn of XIX−XX)