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Article name | Territorial Organization of Customs Affairs in the 19th Centure |
Authors | Kazantseva N.G.Candidate of Law, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 336.244:34.07 |
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Annotation | The study of the role and functions of the Customs authorities, their place in the state system has always been important. Complex and sometimes contradictory administrative processes should be analyzed in the context of the formation of the Russian State. The given article describes the district management system of the Customs authorities in Russia in the 19th century. On the basis of historical experience the author pays attention to the influence of geographical, political, and economical factors on the system of the Customs authorities placement formed in Russia. The district system of customs authorities is considered from the point of view of the description and the analysis of its structure. The attention is given to common features of customs office in regions of the Russian state, and some special regional features caused by expansion of Russian territories and the need for the organization of customs supervision, specifics of the territory and the directions of customs policy. Analyzing the characteristics of the management, the author takes the temporary criteria as a basis, considering development of the district administration system at the beginning, the middle and the end of the XIX century, paying attention to the dynamics of this process.The author’s statement is the recognition of the districts customs system stability, and also its direct impact on the modern system of customs control. Nowadays the character of the district administration of the Customs authorities has been maintained by the Institute of regional offices functioning within system of Federal districts. There is also a system of customs authorities in some territories, based on the features of geography, land relief, need for customs regulation and the state of transport communications. |
Key words | custom authority, customs, Customs Charter, location of the customs authorities, customs district |
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Full article | Territorial Organization of Customs Affairs in the 19th Centure |