Article name The Development of Viticulture in Dagestan and Mountaineers’ Relocation into the Plain in the Period of Soviet Power
Authors Kadiyev D.K.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 94(471–66)
Article type
Annotation Viticulture is one of the ancient cultures in the Republic of Dagestan. The oldest centers of vine cultivation are Derbent, Kizlyar, Khasavyurt towns and following localities as Miatli, Kymtorkala, Kayakent in flat and foothilly areas and Gimry, Golotol, Tlokh, Untzukul in mountain parts of the republic. After joining to Russia in the first half of XIX century the areas for vine cultivation were gradually increased in Dagestan. The first government of Soviet Dagestan, taking into consideration an exclusive role of viticulture in socio-economic development of the republic, took a number of measures on organization viticulture farms for migrants-mountaineers. The ground and water reform and large administrative and territorial changes in the country which is reflected on effective using of both ground and labor forces played an important role in the development of viticulture and wine-making. Due to the mentioned organizational and economic measures in the places, where was unsystematic planting (it is 16 republics) highly profitable viticulture state farms were created.
Key words grape, culture, territory, area, republic, flatness, mountains, migration, ground and water reform, farms, planting, country, economic measures, system, district
Article information
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Full articleThe Development of Viticulture in Dagestan and Mountaineers’ Relocation into the Plain in the Period of Soviet Power