Article name Discussions upon the Court of Biys among Kazakh National Intellectuals at the Beginning of the 20th Century (Comparative-Historical Analysis)
Authors Mazhitova Z.S.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 930.1(09)+947.083 (Р571.4)
Article type
Annotation The article considers the issues of relation of national intellectual leaders’ relation to the traditional institute of Kazakh society, court of biys, which in XIX – beginning of XX cc. had a transformation caused by tsar government reforms. Under these circumstances, the issue of future of Kazakhstan legal system became vital and national intellectuals had different points of view upon that matter. Both supporters of the common law for the court of biys (A. Bukeykhanov etc.) and adherers of introducing sharia basis in Kazakh courts (B. Karatayev, S. Lapin etc.) actively participated in debates upon this issue on the pages of periodicals. These disputers were exceptionally active during the period between revolutions in 1917, when «Alash» party’s hopes to create national autonomy with corresponding state institutes (including legislative) were connected with the White movement. Setting up the soviet authorities destructed the ideas about further biys’ courts activity, however, the disputes, which united the national intellectuals, indicate that the court of biys was the primary issue of the national intellectuals when discussing future development of Kazakh society, considering it as one of the main institutes, and it this development would be impossible without it.
Key words court of biys, national intellectuals, sharia, adat, common law
Article information
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Full articleDiscussions upon the Court of Biys among Kazakh National Intellectuals at the Beginning of the 20th Century (Comparative-Historical Analysis)