Article name Journalism in Ethno-Political Communications: Tolerance Interpretation
Authors Blokhin I.N.Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 323.1
Article type
Annotation In article the concept of journalistic activity in the sphere of ethno-political communication is presented. The author analyses the conditions for journalism to execute the political institution functions. The rationale for journalism participation in the communication processes in specific situations of social and political relations due to the specifics of the communications subjects. The article highlights the aspects of journalistic activities in the conditions of ethnopolitical communications, defined specificity and presents possible options analysis. The author examines the concept of “tolerance” depending on the political and cultural context, defines the value of tolerance as communication compatibility. The article analyses the differences in the interpretation of tolerance along the lines of “majority minority” and “natural artificial (imagined) community”. The author proposes a model of communications analysis, taking into account the characteristics of compatibility: political, international, economic, social, cultural, historical, religious, demographic, racial-anthropological, linguistic, environmental, and psychological. In the article the author criticizes the modern regulatory approach to the management of ethnopolitical communications, discusses the interpretation of tolerance formed in the journalistic community as a communicative, ideological, cultural and attitudinal openness and equal status of ethno-political, ethno-cultural dialogue.
Key words communication, journalism, publicism, tolerance, communicative compatibility, identity
Article information
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Full articleJournalism in Ethno-Political Communications: Tolerance Interpretation