Article name Fact and its Interpretation in Mass-Media: the Crisis in Ukraine through the Foreign Journalists’ View (on the Example of Washington Post, New York Times etc.)
Authors Golousova E.S.Candidate of Philology, Associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The following article studies the problem of the Ukrainian crisis coverage by the foreign mass-media. The international community is carefully watching the situation in Ukraine, because of the presence of geopolitical interests in this region. Therefore it is important to understand how the information picture of the day is being formed, what influences on the media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis. The main goal of the article is to compare different points of view, presented in the foreign mass-media in order to get a deeper understanding of the current events. Based on the empirical analysis of the publications dealing with the Ukrainian crisis the author came to a number of conclusions. It is worth mentioning that we have examined both the main stream media (that are usually considered to be pro-governmental) and the so-called new media (sometimes called the opposition leaning media). The hypothesis can be structured in the following way – considering the growing interest of the western media in the outcome of the Ukrainian crisis, we can say that foreign journalists are more likely to apply a national approach while covering this issue as opposed to the professional one.
Key words crisis, Ukraine, foreign media, biased reporting, official agenda
Article information
Full articleFact and its Interpretation in Mass-Media: the Crisis in Ukraine through the Foreign Journalists’ View (on the Example of Washington Post, New York Times etc.)