Article name New (Tactical) Media as a Structural Component of Mobilization Techniques
Authors Melnik G.S.Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the new (tactical media) usage in the mobilization technologies, their impact on the protest movement. The reasons for the protest movements are: low efficiency of law enforcement agencies; lumpenization, strengthening social contradictions; fighting government forces; humanitarian crisis of values. Tactical media appear in depressive conditions of social development. New media are used as a tool of political control in the interaction between the subjects in communication technologies as a means of mobilization, which is a set of procedures, operations, methods of achieving political goals, especially at a crucial turning point. New mobilization technologies are used in different countries and often aimed at destabilizing, change of government and political elites. Tactical media disseminate ideas to combat repression, exploitation, isolation, alienation and thereby increase the risks of human participation in destructive actions. However, new media contain positive potential for consolidation of society and promote the citizens’ interests. The author analyzes the political and philosophical, cultural, sociological sources, network information resources to reveal the nature and essence of tactical media.
Key words information technology, mass media, protest movements, new media, tactical media, destabilization
Article information
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Full articleNew (Tactical) Media as a Structural Component of Mobilization Techniques