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Article name | The History of Sovnarkhoz Reform During 1957–1965 in E. V . Demichev’s Research |
Authors | Mertsalov V.I.Doctor of History, Professor |
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UDK | 947.087 |
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Annotation | The paper is a comparative analysis of V. I. Mertsalov and E. V. Demichev’s researches on the history of building and industrial management in 1957–1965. The authors reveal its background, development and consequences. V. I. Mertsalov’s monograph (2000) and doctoral thesis (2001) were the first historical investigations in Russian historiography, exactly devoted to the history of SOVNARKHOZ reform research. The author used unpublished by that time Plenary Session papers of the CCCPSU (Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union), Central Committee of Communist Party of the Soviet Union Office papers on RSFSR (the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic), Sovmin of RSFSR (Council of Ministers) and Supreme Soviet of the National Economy (Vysshiy soviet narodnogo khozyaystva, VSNKh) and Regional Economic Council (“sovet narodnogo khozyaystva”, SNKh) of the USSR documents. This opportunity resulted in V. I. Mertsalov’s success in revealing the reform’s background, its causes, the origin of the reform idea, and the reform evolution process with reference to all-Union and Russian materials. E. V. Demichev’s researches appeared later. He defended his Candidate thesis in 2007 and his monograph was published in 2011. The author of the given paper made a comparative analysis of E. V. Demichev’s thesis abstract and the monograph. The text analysis proves that E. V. Demichev borrowed large extracts from V. I. Mertsalov’s works without any citation or reference to them. In this case he did not appropriate only separate conclusions and propositions, but appropriated an essential and significant part of the research, which constitutes an integral whole within the given scientific study, including the chapter of his doctoral thesis Scientific Fundamentals of Research on Management Reform. The plagiarism became a historio-graphic fact, when in 2011 E. V. Demichev published his monograph, making the so-called dark side of the history of research on the building and industrial management during 1957–1965 reform. |
Key words | historiography, sovnarkhoz reform, N. S. Khrushchev, V. I. Mertsalov’s and E. V. Demichev’s researches, plagiarism |
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References | 1. Demichev E. V. Reforma upravleniya promyshlennost’yu i stroitel’stvom v Tsentre i na Yuzhnom Urale (1957 – 1965 gg.): avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Orenburg, 2007. 25 s. 2. Demichev E. V. Reforma upravleniya promyshlennost’yu i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. v kontekste spetsifiki Otechestvennoi istorii. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M: Rossiiskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya (ROSSPEN), 2011. 295s. 3. Mertsalov V. I. Reforma khozyaistvennogo upravleniya 1957−1965 gg.: predposylki, khod, itogi (na materialakh Vostochnoi Sibiri). Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGEA, 2000. 226 s. 4. Mertsalov V. I. Reforma upravleniya promyshlennost’yu i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. (na materialakh Vostochnoi Sibiri): dis. … d-ra. ist. nauk. Irkutsk, 2001. 471 s. 5. Mertsalov V. I. Reforma upravleniya promyshlennost’yu i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. (na materialakh Vostochnoi Sibiri): avtoref. dis. … d-ra. ist. nauk. Irkutsk, 2001. 49 s. 6. Mertsalov V. I. Evolyutsiya sovnarkhozovskoi reformy 1957–1965 gg. i voprosy raionirovaniya v Vostochnoi Sibiri // Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya «Istoriya». 2013. № 1 (4). S. 86–100. 7. Pavlyukevich R. V. Sozdanie i deyatel’nost’ Krasnoyarskogo sovnarkhoza. 1957–1965 gg.: avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Irkutsk. 2014. 26 s. |
Full article | The History of Sovnarkhoz Reform During 1957–1965 in E. V . Demichev’s Research |