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Article name | Folk Humor in A. Platonov’s Plays |
Authors | Golovanov I.A.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 801.73 |
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Annotation | In article features the figurative and semantic organization of drama by A. Platonov, going back to traditions of folk humor. The metatext nature of Platonov’s works means sense extraction not only from “written” and not only “between lines”, but also from the texts interfaced to his creativity and the culture phenomena. On the example of two plays – the satirical drama “Fools on the Periphery” and the tragedy “14 Red Huts” – the researcher shows that the traditions of the Russian national drama are significant for the writer. Comic in A. Platonov’s creativity is connected not with a buffoonery and fun, but it is necessary for “ideal raying”, for the statement of harmony and light. Writer’s laughter “exposes” the reality, revealing it downside. Focusing on A. Pushkin, Platonov introduces in plays text some fragments of folk song, poetic images and motives, so there is a new artistic paradigm of the Russian literature. Specific folk humor in combination with universal folklore images and motives becomes a key to the multidimensional conceptual organization of analyzed works, clears up features of an author’s deeply hidden worldview. |
Key words | humor, comic, A. Platonov, art text, folklore image, motive |
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Full article | Folk Humor in A. Platonov’s Plays |