Article name Specificity of Verbalization of the Concept in Song Discourse
Authors Potapchuk M.A.Teacher
Bibliographic description
UDK 81.572
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the peculiarities of representation of the concept in the song discourse. As the central object of research the concept of “war” has special significance in the Russian linguistic culture. The author asserts that this concept was reflected in the diverse songs of the twentieth century, which are grouped around it by stratum of works with a common theme and national colors. In this article song discourse is considered as a part of the artistic discourse, it produced a kind of reflection of the significant ethnic and cultural consciousness of notions, evaluation and collective meanings. On the example of song texts about war the author shows that in the artistic discourse, the figurative meaning of the concept is primarily actualized. Song image not only reflects, but also summarizes the reality, revealing in a single an essential, so that the war in the song appears as a social and personal event. Inner unity of song image ensures reproducibility and intensity of his emotional impact. In the song of the literary origin individual author’s consciousness may be implemented, in folk songs it is a reflection of the collective, underindividual knowledge, they crystallize what is important for members of the ethnic community as a whole. If the authors of the songs sensitively catch and skillfully convey the mood and needs of most people, it becomes folkloric and a part of the discourse of folk song. As a result of analysis, the author concludes that in the national song discourse a stable set of images stands out and it explicates the concept of “war”. These images form the core of the Russian song poetics and are characterized by cultural value, recognizability and relevance for all linguistic cultural community.
Key words concept, image, song discourse, artistic discourse, verbalization
Article information
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