Article name Short Literary Compositions in the Body of Nature Prose in English: the Problem of Genre Division
Authors Grechishkina S.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 82–32, 82–43
Article type
Annotation The purpose of this research is to explore the borders of such genres as the sketch, the short story and the essay and to analyze the peculiarities of the contemporary literary works about nature. The author of the article sets the following tasks: to give general characteristics of short literary works about nature; to point out the differences between the sketch, the short story and the essay by the way of their comparative analysis; to define the notion of bioregional literature and to single out its peculiar features. The topicality of this research results from the necessity to conform existing contradictory views on the nature of short prose genres. The author of the article analyses James Galvin’s (b. 1951), Alice Munro’s (b. 1931), Gary Snyder’s (b. 1930) and Margaret Atwood’s (b. 1939) works. The common feature of all these famous American and Canadian writers is their attentiveness and attachment to the regions of their living which are expressed in their works. Despite the popularity of their works abroad, they stay practically unknown to the Russian audience. The novelty of this research is provided by the material of the research and the approach to it. The author of the article uses the methods of comparative and compositional analysis which helps to define precise generic features of the analyzed works. The author also uses cultural and historical method which helps to find common and differing features of literature about nature created under different cultural and historical conditions.
Key words bioregional literature, genre, sketch, short story, typification, essay
Article information
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Full articleShort Literary Compositions in the Body of Nature Prose in English: the Problem of Genre Division