Article name Perceptivisation as an Element of the Interpreter’s Tactics
Authors Urzha A.V.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’255.2
Article type
Annotation The article concerns interpretation of perceptive passages in translation for children. The tactic devices employed in two translations of the novel “Mary Poppins”, carried out by Boris Zakhoder and Marina Litvinova, are in the focus of the comparative research. Both translators offer creative ways of verbalizing child perception in the text, using words connected with visual perception and adding lexis denoting auditory, tactile and even gustatory perception. Emotive connotations and intensifiers are also employed here, so the images of the fantastic world created in the novel appear to be colorful and convincing. Translators interpret unusual comparisons connected to the visual images so that they could be both understandable and funny. Some of such comparisons are based on idioms appealing to the child’s knowledge of the language and culture. Onomatopoeia and alliterations also contribute to the verbalization of “live” pictures aimed to impress the addressee and reflect author’s strategy in Russian translation.
Key words perception, semantics, visualization, interpretation, translation for children, addressee
Article information
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Full articlePerceptivisation as an Element of the Interpreter’s Tactics