Article name Linguistic-Cultural Space of Poetry by Larissa Andersen
Authors Butylskaya L.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic and cultural space of the poetry by Larissa Anderson, one of the brightest representatives of the Eastern branch of the Russian Diaspora. The study of the heritage of the Russian Diaspora provides a unique opportunity for understanding the individual, linguistic, cultural picture of the world of Russian immigrants through the lens of another culture, to comprehend all the results that have left an indelible mark in the history and culture of Russia, and in the history and culture of countries where fate turned out to be Russian immigrants. The relevance of this topic is due, first of all, the value of the interpretation of poetic texts Larissa Andersen in the study were created by representatives of Russian emigrants in China, as well as through the teaching of Russian culture in the Chinese audience. The object of the study is the work of Larissa Andersen, Russian poet and dancers, who began her literary career in Harbin. The subject of the study is linguistic and cultural peculiarities of poetry by Larissa Andersen (based on the poems in the collection “One on the bridge”). Linguistic and cultural analysis of poems by Larissa Andersen, speaking as a purpose of the study, allowed to introduce brighter the image of one of the representatives of the eastern branch of the Russian Diaspora in China, and also contributed to a deeper understanding about life, about the quest for cultural representatives of the Russian emigration in China, about their intentions and their fates. First of all, this study used cultural, linguistic and cultural and literary approaches to the study of creativity Larissa Andersen. As the leading methods used analysis and synthesis of historical, biographical (including archives), cultural materials relating to the study. The value of the study is explained with the ability to use its results in the practice of teaching subjects such as “The theory of intercultural communication in language and literature”; “Cognitive Linguistics”; “The theory of metaphor”; “The image of the author’s poetic texts” in Russian and the Chinese audience.
Key words linguistic-cultural space, poetic texts, linguistic and cultural analysis, images, symbols, natural metaphor
Article information
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Full articleLinguistic-Cultural Space of Poetry by Larissa Andersen