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Article name | On Possible Researching Ways of the Baikal Siberia Old-Timers’ Texts |
Authors | Olzoyeva Y.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor bb2005@yandex.ruKhamaganova V.M.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
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UDK | 81’42 |
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Annotation | The edition of “the Russian dialects dictionary of Baikal Siberia old-timers”, written by G. V. Afanasyeva-Medvedeva, the associate of database compiling and lexicographical science, opens the possibility of studying the world building, verbalized in speech of the Russian old-timers, living around Baikal Siberia. Since the Grammar of Siberian dialects remains poorly understood, especially in terms of syntax, and since the textual level has not yet been the subject of any scientific work, the relevance of textual analysis of the Dictionary material is obvious. It is the most interesting material of linguistic study to describe, as it is the part of the unique world building of our ancestries. The re-creation of value world building requires the involvement of discourse analysis. It meets the requirements of multi-paradigmatic installation in learning the language and allows considering different approaches to the texts analysis of Baikal Siberia old-timers, it also allows us to consider the ideology expressed in the text, which constitute an integral part of value meanings. The most relevant way of reaching the goal appears to be the poli-paradigmatic approach, which meets the modern tendencies and determines the problem statement ant its solution. The objective being of the split-level units with the same axiological meaning in the language gives the opportunity of rendering the axiological assessment as the semantic and functional (substantial) base of the assessment functional-semantic field (FSF), the semantics of which integrates the means of different language levels – phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactical – in a multiple evaluating complex that founds its objectification in the text. |
Key words | “Russian dialects dictionary of Baikal Siberia old-timers”, study approaches, text level, worldview, discourse analysis, axiological meanings |
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References | 1. Ignatovich T. Yu. Vostochnozabaikal’skie govory severnorusskogo proiskhozhdeniya v sinkhronnom i diakhronnom aspektakh (na materiale fonetiki i morfologii): avtoref. dis. … d-ra filol. nauk. Ulan-Ude, 2013. 47 s. 2. Karaulov Yu. N. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i tendentsii razvitiya russkoi leksikografii // Sovetskaya leksikografiya. M., 1988. S. 4–12. 3. Olzoeva Ya. V. O sistemnosti predlozhenii s semantikoi otsenki deistviya // Russkii yazyk v shkole. 2005. № 3. S. 87–91. 4. Khamaganova V. M. Opisatel’nyi tekst v semioticheskom aspekte. M.: Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo Buryat. gos. un-ta, 2000. 156 s. Istochniki 5. Afanas’eva-Medvedeva G. V. Slovar’ govorov starozhilov Baikal’skoi Sibiri: v 20 t. / nauchn. red. F. P. Sorokoletov. Irkutsk, 2007. T. 1. 576 s. 6. Afanas’eva-Medvedeva G. V. Slovar’ govorov starozhilov Baikal’skoi Sibiri: v 20 t. / nauchn. red. V. M. Gatsak, S. A. Myznikov. Irkutsk, 2010. T. 5. 544 s. |
Full article | On Possible Researching Ways of the Baikal Siberia Old-Timers’ Texts |