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Article name | Subjective Truth and Objective Truth in Space of Media Text: Dichotomy of Justice |
Authors | Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811 : 002. 703.0 |
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Annotation | The present study provides a conceptual analysis of the constructs ‘objective truth’ (istina) and ‘subjective truth’ (pravda) in the context of their objectivization in modern space of the media text. The author offers justification of a mental demand and relevance of these concepts for the linguistic personality of the author of the media text and its consumer. The review of semantic schemes of these concepts in terms of the Russian language evolution is presented. The concept ‘objective truth’ (istina) represents constant substance, something eternal and invariable, a law given to the person from the outside. The concept ‘subjective truth’ (pravda) is a changeable, terrestrial category which shows personal motives of the person, symbolizes the internal law and reflects possible pluralism of opinions. The continuity of the concepts ‘objective truth’ (istina) and ‘subjective truth’ (pravda) concerning reliability, fact presentation, and correctness is of particular importance in the media creativity. The key components of this continuity are a dichotomizing vector of the subjective truth; new judgment of space and time; a multilevel – stereoscopic view of the pattern; centering of the text by information agenda; presence of external factors; a special chronotope of the mass media; virtual essence of the media text; a parallel representation of the concepts (by the linguistic personality of the media text offering subjective reflection of the objective world and the linguistic personality of the text addressee decoding the offered image of the world). Professional activity of the media text author in the system of corporate and valuable coordinates is also measured by constructs ‘subjective truth’, justice, and ‘objective truth’. |
Key words | media text, subjective truth, objective truth, justice, concept, dichotomy, chronotope, virtuality |
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Full article | Subjective Truth and Objective Truth in Space of Media Text: Dichotomy of Justice |