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Article name | Oh, Brave New World: Understanding of Postmodernism in the Russian Philosophical Publicism (2010–2012) |
Authors | Kuznetsova E.V.Candidate of Philology, associate professor |
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UDK | 070 |
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Annotation | The paper is devoted to the Russian phenomenon with a hardly translatable name “philosophical publicism”. Among the nearest analogues to it in Western culture there are “philosophical essays”, “philosophical journalism”, “intellectual journalism” and even “public philosophy”. Philosophical publicism studies current social problems from a perspective of fundamental questions of being and thinking. Such texts gave a rise to philosophy in Russia in the mid-19th century. Having given a start to academic philosophy such texts play a special role supplying and enriching philosophy with true-life material in the 21st century. The author of the paper analyses philosophical perception of the term “postmodernism” from 2010 to 2012. It turns out that strong rejection of this phenomenon and its aesthetic and social outcomes existed at the beginning of the 2010s. However in 2012 newspaper “Literaturnaya Gazeta” started a discussion that seriously altered the understanding of the term in question. A group of publicists claimed the ability of postmodernism to take over its own major outcome – chaos and become a new ground for invention of new values and meanings. Consequently, they stopped understanding postmodern as a fatalistic “endless deadlock” and started explaining it as a sort of entelechy or a problem that contains its own solution. Meanwhile, publicists laid big hopes on postmodern aesthetics, which could fight with mass culture and contemporary practices of every day life.The discussion allowed philosophical publicism to realize one of its main functions – prognostic one. Comparison of articles in “Literaturnaya Gazeta” with professional philosophy gives the idea that authors of the mentioned texts used different methods of forecasting. Philosophers preferred to create exact scenario or model of future events, using rational scientific instruments. Publicists engaged intuition and rough exploratory forecasting. They also “implanted” their ideals into social mind by normative forecasting. |
Key words | publicism, philosophy, philosophical publicism, journalism, Russia, postmodernism, forecasting |
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Full article | Oh, Brave New World: Understanding of Postmodernism in the Russian Philosophical Publicism (2010–2012) |