Article name Tactical Media: Social Priorities and Text Pragmatics
Authors Melnik G.S.Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
Misonzhnikov B.Y.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The problems of genesis, formation and functioning of tactical media, which became the strong contender of the existing institutionalized mass media, are considered in the article. Tactical media is a form of collective existence of political activism artists. Their goal is to find new forms of cooperation and exchange, production and distribution in all spheres of life. Their goal is to find new forms of cooperation and exchange, production and distribution in all spheres of life. In their essence these editions are oppositional, critically adjusted and adapted for political storms. Typological identification of tactical media is given in the article; the methodology of their tekstualization becomes clear, the mechanism of impact on audience is analyzed. In respect of text pragmatics, tactical media are not constrained by any imperatives and are inclined to experiment, act as the extremely interested suggestor. In narrative texts of tactical media the hero embodies evil force, which, however, has a playful connotation. The article concludes that tactical media almost always reach their political target in the wake of high emotional tension.
Key words tactical media, textualization, opposition, impact, protest
Article information
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Full articleTactical Media: Social Priorities and Text Pragmatics