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Article name | The Lexical-Semantic Field of «Spatial Limit» in the Chinese Language (on the Results of Associative Experiment) |
Authors | Gashinova Y.S.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 811.581 |
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Annotation | The article presents the results of the associative experiment to identify the lexical-semantic field of the «spatial limit», realized among Chinese native speakers in two stages. Non-directional associative experiment, held on the first stage, revealed extensive range of lexical items with the semantics of the «spatial limit». To determine the structure of the analyzed lexical-semantic field the directional associative experiment was realized, made a solid selection from “Big Chinese –Russian Dictionary”, as well as explanatory dictionaries Chinese. Based on the results determined the structure of the lexical-semantic field of «the spatial limit» in the modern Chinese state language – Mandarin: kernel (1 lexical item), near-nuclear area (20 lexical items), and peripheral zone (95 lexical items). The article attempted to study lexical material lexical-semantic field: realized graphical-semantic analysis of the characters within the structure of the studied lexical and semantic fields overviewed phraseological units which contained a lexical item lexical-semantic field of «the spatial limit». Moreover, we considered some of Chinese linguists that describe the formation and development of the values of the kernel units in the history of the Chinese language. The results obtained during the study, are compared with some facts reflecting the body of ideas associated with the perception of this category in the Russian language. Thus, the article marked similarities and differences perception and objectification of «spatial limit» of native Chinese and Russian speakers. The studied material and the realized experiments show the presence of a large number of Chinese words with the meaning of «spatial limit». The lexical-semantic field represented by the given words sufficiently is well-structured. |
Key words | associative experiment, word-stimulus, lexical-semantic field, cognitive layers, verbal reactions, national identity |
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Full article | The Lexical-Semantic Field of «Spatial Limit» in the Chinese Language (on the Results of Associative Experiment) |