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Article name | Typology of Phonetic Development of Buryat-MongolianToponyms of Transbaikalia |
Authors | Lamozhapova I.A.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811.51.512.3 |
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Annotation | The purpose of this article is to show the adapting process of toponyms of Buryat-Mongolian language to the Russian language environment in terms of phonetics. The methodological bases of the research were descriptive, analytical, typological methods and the method of the nearest reconstruction. Research materials are geographical names of the Buryat-Mongolian language origin of Zabaikalsky Region, given in a dictionary of toponyms of Zabaikalsky Region by prof. T. V. Fedotova. Vowels and consonant sound in the basics of toponyms of the basic language are substituted, i. e. are replaced by similar options in terms of implementation. Thus, in the Buryat word there can be one or more long vowels, or a long vowel in the word cannot be at all. The Russian word is characterized by a single-impact, that is only one vowel in the word has a power and longitude. The author of the article presents several options for the longitude / short vowel of the basic language. For example, a Buryat long vowel is realized as a short in unstressed position, a Buryat longitude of vowel goes to next syllable, a short vowel becomes shock vowel in the Russian version. Results of the research will give a support in the further in etymologization, which is essential in the modern onomastic science. |
Key words | toponyms, Buryat-Mongolian language origin, phonetic adaptation, substitution, etymology |
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Full article | Typology of Phonetic Development of Buryat-MongolianToponyms of Transbaikalia |