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Article name | Phonetic Method of Derivation of Political Lexicon of the Buryat Language (on the example of Alternation h/s) |
Authors | Sanzhanov Z.S.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 81’342 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the phonetic method of derivation of the political vocabulary of the Buryat language as an example of alternation of h/s, the distinctive features of its functioning among the Buryats living in Mongolia, China, the Russian Federation, defines the role of the alternation in the derivation of political lexicon. Currently, the alternation of phonemes h and s an important practical value for the Buryat language, since there is the problem of formation and development of political lexicon, especially in the media. This method allows the derivation: first, to extend the semantics of the existing, but passive vocabulary (haid ‘dignitary’ → said ‘minister’); secondly, to restore the terms that have moved in the 1930s. in the category of passive vocabulary; thirdly, allows to correlate the modern sociopolitical and socio-economic vocabulary with a modern vocabulary Buryats living in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (han ‘treasury’ → san ‘fund’). Alternation of h/s is one of the main ways of word formation and development of the modern vocabulary of the Buryats living in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. Their original language is preserved semantics of vocabulary with the phoneme h, but the replacement for the phoneme with s change in word semantics. Thus, at the present stage of development of the Buryat language alternation of phonemes h/s can be regarded as one of the promising methods of derivation of political lexicon in the language of the Buryats living in the Russian Federation. |
Key words | the Buryat language, classical mongolian script, phonetic method |
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Full article | Phonetic Method of Derivation of Political Lexicon of the Buryat Language (on the example of Alternation h/s) |