Article name Written Pupil’s Speech as a Pedagogical Problem (Synergetic Law of “Returns” of a Live Image Technologies
Authors Akhmetova M.N.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation The problem of child’s need of self-expression, intention to organize the actions himself is revealed in the article. Such need is revealed in the written speech. Such speech “in silence” is turned to the imagined person. Pedagogical conditions of its manifestation, as the experience of the teacher of the Russian language and literature shows, firstly is the emotional spirit. Feelings of an existential condition are arisen, and it is necessary to support it. These feelings demand the support. The conditions of metapoetic space formation as an intellectual and emotional “field” of communication with the book and wildlife are reveal in the article. The metapoetic space takes the features of meta-subject, internal image acceptance – “inner sight”. The experience of the organization of pupils’ supervision are presented in the article. where contemplation is combined with judgment and the description of the seen object. The technology of the syncretic law of a live image “returns” is revealed. Numerous researches put the game as a “school of thought”, as an organization of children and teenagers’ emotional behavior on the first place. In the training conditions staging acts as such game. The lesson emotionally includes everyone in an image, an era, a situation. The speech “in silence”, turned to the imagined person, is formed in mentioned way. The dramatized lesson makes pupils be involved into internal dialogue. Internal activity as a live image content becomes a key of meta-image comprehension in written speech. It is suggested: the direct perception forms the abilities to think and express thoughts in written form.
Key words written speech, internal speech, staging as a “returns” live image technology
Article information
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Full articleWritten Pupil’s Speech as a Pedagogical Problem (Synergetic Law of “Returns” of a Live Image Technologies