Article name The Concept of “Death” in the Iranian Culture (on the Example of Persian Idioms)
Authors Berezina A.V.Doctor PhD, Senior Lecturer
Alexandrova M.D.Lecturer
Bibliographic description Berezina A. V., Alexandrova M. D. The Concept of “Death” in the Iranian Culture (on the Example of Persian Idioms) // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 1. PP. 20–29. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-1-20-29
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-1-20-29
UDK 811.222.1
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the study of the concept of “death” as a cultural and semantic component of phraseological units of the Persian language. The relevance of the verbalization of the concept of “death” in the Iranian speech culture is due to the insufficient knowledge of the interpretation of this concept in Iranistics in Russia. The results of this work will be of interest to orientalists, iranologists, linguists, and can be used in the further linguistic and cultural analysis of the phraseology of the Persian language. The subject of the research is the literary and colloquial phraseological units of the Persian language containing the marg (“death”) component. When writing the work, the authors used conceptual analysis; reception of a continuous sample of phraseological unit about death in the Persian language from the collections of proverbs, as well as explanatory dictionaries; method of semantic analysis; linguoculturological analysis, which allows distinguishing the universal and national-specific in the culture of Iran; method of grouping. Summing up, the authors conclude about the constructive attitude of the Iranians to death, which fits into the system of universal values and supports the thesis of the universality of the phenomenon under consideration. However, the Iranians view death as the last critical event in a person’s life. The influence of Islam on their perception of the world can be seen in the spoken language, full of phraseological units-oaths and curses, the frequency of occurrence of the “marg” lexeme which is very high. Self-centeredness and, as a consequence, painful perception of nonexistence is reflected only in two phraseological units found by us, from which follows the conclusion of the unpopularity of these views. The theme of death in phrases transformed into propaganda slogans remains relevant for the promotion of the dominant doctrine in Iran and the illustration of the fundamental directions of the country’s foreign policy.
Key words concept, death, Iranian culture, idioms, the Persian language, Islam
Article information
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Full articleThe Concept of “Death” in the Iranian Culture (on the Example of Persian Idioms)