Article name The Category of “Sports” in Russian Literature and Journalism in the Middle of the 19th Century
Authors Voytik E.A.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Voytik E. A. The Category of “Sports” in Russian Literature and Journalism in the Middle of the 19th Century // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 1. PP. 41–49. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-1-41-49.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-1-41-49
UDK 80
Article type
Annotation At present, the boundaries of scientific research are expanding within the framework of the study of various categories. The category of “sports” is a special lexical category, which allows to characterize capaciously the factors of practical and scientific activities directly related to the specialization of the corresponding social sphere, namely sports. It also acts as a component of an integral leisure categorical system and provides an opportunity to clarify its basic functionality, to expand the semantic boundaries of the field of knowledge about the substantive essence of this phenomenon. The specifics of the historical construction of a sports text and the study of its developmental features are a complex and multidimensional problem. The problematic of the theme is also caused by the lack of knowledge of this issue. The article is devoted to the study of the formation of the category of “sports” in Russian literature in the framework of the metropolitan press of Russia. The terminological system that emerged contributed to the birth of the text, in which “sport” phrases began to appear. The texts is about the sport of the middle of the 19th century, initially assumed the disclosure of sports information. Their primary tasks were the actualization of sport topics for contemporaries; the expression of the author’s assessment to the category of “sports” as an emerging phenomenon. This was due to the presentation of both an objective and a subjective picture of the current event, according to certain signs relating to the sport; introduction of a number of semantic dominants to the text (conceptual, phono-semantic, and in some cases emotional (to create a vivid picture of a sport phenomenon); dynamic narrative. The main function of such texts was to satisfy the information needs of members of society who are interested in sports not only as leisure entertainment and play but also as terminology originated here. At this time, the following phrases appear: “literature of sports”, “language of sports”, “sports magazine”, “sports newspaper”, “Russian sports”, “French sports”, “English sports”, “European sports” and others. Thus, special sports terminology is gradually being established in Russian texts, which in subsequent years, especially in the 1870s ‒ 1880s, increased significantly, having received wide development in various publications, not only writing about sports.
Key words category of “sports”, Russian literature, metropolitan press, discursive practices, the 1840s – 1870s.
Article information
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