Article name Ecological Situation of the Buryat People Hunting Craft at the End of the 19th –the Beginning of the 20th Centuries
Authors Baldanova A.S.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 947.1/.9
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the changes of the ecological situation of the Buryat people hunting craft at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries as the result of capitalist relations development and trade and industrial character of hunting, applying the predatory methods of procurement. The negative role of large-scale deforestation and building of the Siberian railway, which destroyed game animal habitats, is pointed out here. The results were the decrease of game animal hunting, the decrease of game animal population, degradation of ecological situation in the region. The author analyses the proportion of hunting craft of the Pribaikal and Transbaikal Buryats, gives the archival data for their comparison, points out the importance of the traditional hunting culture and people’s faith for the preservation of animals population.
Key words Buryats, hunting craft, trade and industrial character of hunting, degradation of ecological situation
Article information
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Full articleEcological Situation of the Buryat People Hunting Craft at the End of the 19th –the Beginning of the 20th Centuries