Article name The Charitable Activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Late 19th to the Middle of the 20th Century (Exemplified by Transbaikalia)
Authors Zolotareva V.Y.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 2–463
Article type
Annotation The article describes the charitable activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in Transbaikalia in the late 19th to the middle of the 20th century based on document analysis of the State archives of Zabaikalsky krai. The analysis is performed in the context of the general characteristics of social policy of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state as a whole. Special attention is paid to the role of charity during the war, when social problems such as orphanhood, widowhood and increased disability exacerbate. The specified period of time is characterized by the desire of the state to control the church and its activities, including charity. Some common trends for Transbaikalia are distinguished based on the analysis of specific measures. Some areas of the Church’s charitable activities are determined. Charity policy of the Russian Orthodox Church was built in the region in the context of the general policy and was seen most clearly during the war time. The author notes that in Transbaikalia charity has become a tradition which is reflected in various social aspects.
Key words the Russian Orthodox Church, the disabled, charity, almshouse, social security, the Russian Red Cross society, donation
Article information
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Full articleThe Charitable Activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Late 19th to the Middle of the 20th Century (Exemplified by Transbaikalia)