Article name Russian Orthodox Church in Chita Region in the 1943–1950s
Authors Kuznetsov V.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Drobotushenko E.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 271.2 + 94(47)
Article type
Annotation The author attempts to analyze the process of development of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Chita region in the period of transformation of the secular attitude to Orthodoxy. A brief description of the available general publications on the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and narrowly focused papers on the history of Orthodoxy in the Baikal region. The study is based on a significant amount of material of the State Archive of the Russian Federation. Many archival documents are entered into scientific sphere for the time. Based upon the reports of Commissioners for the Russian Orthodox Church, the amount of the Orthodox churches in the region, the names of the clergy is shown, the position of the public in selected settlements in the ratio of Orthodoxy is characterized. Regional features of development of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Chita region in 1943–1950 are analyzed against the background of the national trends.
Key words religion, government, society, region, Orthodoxy, Church, diocese, priest, the authorized, the USSR, Chita region.
Article information
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Full articleRussian Orthodox Church in Chita Region in the 1943–1950s