Article name Ekaterinoslav Sanitary Squad (From the History of the X-Ray Apparatus Application with the Military-Medical Aim)
Authors Kiseleva T.A.Lecturer
Savchuk V.S.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 61(477)+615.849
Article type
Annotation The article describes the history of the formation and functioning of the Ekaterinoslav sanitary squad. Organization and activities of the squad in the Trans-Baikal region and its contribution to medical care for the wounded in the Russo-Japanese war (1904–1905) are shown. The paper concentrates on the active participation of the province inhabitants in the formation and support of this unit, and its equipment with an X-ray machine. The activities of the Urulgavillage hospital and its contribution to the delivery of health care to the wounded soldiers are studied and analyzed. The use of the rare X-ray machine enabled the squad doctors to diagnose the most severe cases of gunshot wounds and fractures. This article is based on the field reports which were printed in Vestnik Ekaterinoslavskogo Zemstva in 1904–1905.
Key words history of medical radiology, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, medical radiology in Ukraine,Ekaterinoslav sanitary squad
Article information
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Full articleEkaterinoslav Sanitary Squad (From the History of the X-Ray Apparatus Application with the Military-Medical Aim)