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Article name | Youth Organizations in the Sphere of International Relations: Humanitarian Aspects of Activities |
Authors | Asadov B..Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 327(091) |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to humanitarian role of youth organizations in the international relations system which is one of the unexplored issues in modern domestic scholar school. This is particularly relevant in the context of globalization of active cooperation of young people which creates the basis for the development of divergent trends in the international arena. The analysis of the main stages of international youth organizations’ formation under specific historical conditions is presented. To study these characteristics, it is necessary to understand the nature of social and political processes taking place in the framework of international youth organizations and to explain the perspectives of their activity in the field of international relations. The main factors that had a significant impact on the strengthening of the collective action of these actors in the international arena are revealed. The author focuses on the humanitarian aspects of international youth organizations and examines their role as an important factor in the development of international cultural cooperation that, in turn, has had a positive impact on the development of the international humanitarian community. It requires new approaches, different understanding and creating effective mechanisms to give an additional dynamics to participation of the Russian youth in international humanitarian cooperation. |
Key words | international youth organizations, humanitarian development, international youth activities, international relations, UNO, UNESCO, humanitarian aspects, model of international youth cooperation |
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Full article | Youth Organizations in the Sphere of International Relations: Humanitarian Aspects of Activities |