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Article name | Political Behavior of the Individual in the Mass Media Environment |
Authors | Blokhin I.N.Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 32.019.51 |
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Annotation | The article presents the concept of political and ideological identity of the individual in the space of mass communication. The author proposes a typology of communicative political behavior and analyzes functions of communities forming in mass media environment. Consumption, communication, work and navigation are considered as types of behavior in mass media environment. Each of the selected types corresponds to a certain type of the role behavior: consumer, communicator, author, and navigator. The types of behavior in mass media environment form the types of personal political activity. Political functions of the media communities are supposed to implement control over the bodies of political authorities and subjects of political activity, public self-government, taking into account density and simplification of communications. The functions of exchange and media coverage in political sense are the instrumental ones, with prospects of implementation in order to organize activities and form political images, images of leaders and parties. The author uses the structural-functional approach and methods of role-based analysis of the individual’s behavior. |
Key words | political behavior, identity, mass media environment, communication, mediatization, self-government |
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Full article | Political Behavior of the Individual in the Mass Media Environment |