Article name Media Resources of Governance as Means of its Presentation
Authors Burova Y.E.Doctoral Candidate, Chair of History of Journalism
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.776+004.77
Article type
Annotation This article investigates the identities of positioning the power in the public space by using media resources, which in modern political conditions should become effective mechanisms in forming equal relations between governance and society. The author points out that these relations develop in the communication space and, correspondingly, a major part of society deals with the public image of the power as result of PR and media activities. Using a system method and a participant observation method, the author indicates the principles of the relationship between the powerand the mass media which should be based on parity and mutual respect. This proposition allows the author to make a conclusion that media resources and PR-technologies under the conditions of growing dissatisfaction with the governmental policy should be the instruments of creating open communication space but not the mechanisms of manipulative impact on society for the purpose of forming certain political convictions. This will contribute to the creation of a democratic state.
Key words power, society, information resources, press service, communication space, mass media
Article information
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Full articleMedia Resources of Governance as Means of its Presentation