Article name Organizing the Execution of Managerial Decisions at the Municipal Level
Authors Grudinina S.Y.
Bibliographic description
UDK 321.015
Article type
Annotation The author presents organization of local self-government bodies’ control over the execution of documents of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation,where their decisions are formalized (on the example of Zabaikalsky Krai). In the implementation of the common policy of the state (from the President of the Russian Federation to the constituent entity and further to the bodies of local self-government), the organization of control over the execution of the documents of the last link in the abovementioned chain has its own peculiarities in connection with the specifics of local selfgovernment: local self-government bodies are not the bodies of the state power and are not the subjects of the state control. They are under the control of the public, and are subordinated to it. The proposed mechanism of control allows us to ensure full and unconditional implementation of the control documents, and is the most important tool to increase the responsibility of personnel.
Key words control, execution of documents, body of local self-government
Article information
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