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Article name | Сoncealment of Information as a Lack of Safety Culture |
Authors | Melnik G.S.Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor S.A.Doctor of Political Science, Professor |
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UDK | 070 |
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Annotation | This article is dedicated to the problem of interaction between the state, the mass media and the society during the emergency situations. The issues of identification of the danger degree, defense and liquidation of negative consequences from dangerous factors are very important. The state needs to form an accurate information agenda, define the main topics and information occasion. However, the activity of the official press services is often ineffective. The audience gets the urgent information from the state bodies strictly irregular. Showing particular examples, the authors explain how important information on the emergency situations is kept from people. Concealment of the information from the society threatens its security. |
Key words | information security, government, emergency, mass media, risks |
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Full article | Сoncealment of Information as a Lack of Safety Culture |