Article name On Start-Up Project Activities of Youth Political Organizations
Authors Chimarov S.Y.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 323.2 (470)
Article type
Annotation This article examines history of formation, theoretical and methodological basis for a start-up project. Due to the information society rules, the vast majority of modern start-ups are concentrated in the online coordinate system. Critically important for the existence of the startup is its reliance on the use of innovative technologies to market the product or service. The essential features of the start-up are originality of the project, uniqueness of the proposed ideas and forced strategy to promote them. Appealing to the characterization of the main stages and their content, the author relates the start-up project activities in general with a particular start-uporganization by youth political organizations of Russia. In this case we are talking about the start-ups of “The Russian Social Democratic Union of Youth”, the Youth Parliament in Moscow and Perm region, as well as the projects of “Rostov 2012” Youth Forum.
Key words start-up, start-up stage, youth political organization, the Youth Parliament, vertical progress start-up,horizontal progress start-up
Article information
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Full articleOn Start-Up Project Activities of Youth Political Organizations