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Article name | Creative Stylistics (Study of Live Literary Text) |
Authors | Akhmetova G.D.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
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UDK | 882 |
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Annotation | In the article the area of the Russian stylistics, creative stylistics, studying the live literary text is formulated. Such concepts as ‘creative stylistics’, ‘creative style of the writer’ are explained. This area continues traditions of the Russian philology. In a context of this direction the question of the language tradition connected with a problem of language innovation is considered. The language processes happening in modern art prose are characteristic for modern non-fiction prose as well. However, it is possible to note some divergence. Departure into metaphor in non-fiction prose is shown to a lesser extent. One can call this process metaphorization, but there’s obviously no departure into metaphor (due to ‘leaning’ towards documentalism) in non-fiction prose. It is nonfiction prose where intertextuality is more vivid. It happens due to documentalism, as a result of the use of numerous precedent names, documents, books, newspapers, etc. Semantical-grammatical shifts, virtual pronunciation, a graphic verbal row are shown in non-fiction prose to a lesser extent. The author comes to the conclusion that creativity is making up something new out of the traditions. |
Key words | creative stylistics, live literary text, live artistic image, traditions |
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References | 1. Ahmetova G. D. Zhivoj literaturnyj tekst. M.: Vash poligraficheskij partnjor, 2012. 232 s. 2. Ahmetova G. D. Tvorcheskij stil’ pisatelja (o romane S. Esina «Imitator») // Interpretacija teksta: lingvisticheskij, literaturovedcheskij i metodicheskij aspekty: materialy V Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Chita, ZabGGPU, 23–24 nojabrja 2012 g.) / Zabajkal. gos. gum.-ped. un-t; sost. G. D. Ahmetova. Chita, 2012. S. 13–24. 3. Ahmetova G. D. Jazykovoe prostranstvo hudozhestvennogo teksta. SPb.: Renome, 2010. 244 s. 4. Ahmetova G. D. Jazykovye processy v sovremennoj russkoj proze (na rubezhe XX– XXI vv.). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008. 168 s. 5. Gorshkov A. I. Russkaja stilistika. M.: Astrel’: AST, 2001. 367 s. 6. Kozhina M. N. Rechevedenie i funkcional’naja stilistika: voprosy teorii // Izbrannye trudy / Perm. un-t, PSI, PSSGK, 2002. 475 s. 7. Kozhina M. N. Stilistika russkogo jazyka. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2008. 464 s. 8. Nash jubiljar Margarita Nikolaevna Kozhina (K 80-letiju so dnja rozhdenija) / otv. red. prof. M. P. Kotjurova; Perm. un-t. Perm’, 2005. 43 s. 9. Stilisticheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar’ russkogo jazyka / pod red. M. N. Kozhinoj. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. 696 s. |
Full article | Creative Stylistics (Study of Live Literary Text) |