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Article name | On Correlation between Sources of Information about the Author’s Image and the Addressee’s Image in Memoir Texts |
Authors | Baklanova I.I.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811.161.1:659.117.3 |
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Annotation | The article deals with differences between the sources of information about the author’s image and the addressee’s image, which is implicitly expressed in texts of memoirs as well as in other non-fiction texts. It is shown that the author’s image can be explicated from what is said in the text on the basis of B. A. Uspensky’s theory described in his book “The Poetics of Composition” meanwhile the addressee’s image can be explicated from how it is said in the text on the basis of H. P. Grice’s conversational maxims. |
Key words | implicit information, author’s image, addressee’s image, narrator’s point of view, conversational maxims, memoirs |
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Full article | On Correlation between Sources of Information about the Author’s Image and the Addressee’s Image in Memoir Texts |