Article name A. Fet’s Poem “Only is in the world is the shady…”: on the Issue of Composition
Authors Gutkina E.I.Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Researcher
Bibliographic description
UDK [82.09:821.161.1–1]Фет А.
Article type
Annotation The paper examines the interrelation between the specifics of composition and the essence of one of the best A. Fet’s poems. The key to this problem lies in M. Bakhtin’s aesthetics that considers literary writing as an image including hero’s and author’s contexts. Hero’s context is represented by feeling of irresolvable internal conflict, which is generated by hero’s attitude towards beauty as a source of life. Author’s context is represented by a transformation of this conflict into the lyric plot, which is comprised by two layers, architectonics and composition. The first layer is the basic one and organizes the realities of conflict according to the law of ‘golden ratio’. The second layer manifests itself as a system of rhythmic speech modules (distiches) which implement the architectonic of meaning. As a result of interaction of these two layers, disharmonious feeling of the lyric hero is resolved at the level of the verbal integrity of the whole poem.
Key words emotional context, aesthetic context, lyric plot, architectonics, composition
Article information
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Full articleA. Fet’s Poem “Only is in the world is the shady…”: on the Issue of Composition