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Article name | Phraseological Somatisms of an Old Slavic Origin in Russian: Synchronism in Language Diachrony |
Authors | Kiynova Z.K.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 81.’ 367.3 |
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Annotation | The article describes the phraseological somatisms of the old Slavic origin which functioning in Russian is always in sight of the linguists. The main purpose of the project was to determine the composition and content of phraseological somatisms with archaic values, and to identify the causes of their long existence in English, despite the archaic features of sustainable combinations. Special attention is paid to historical and cultural interpretation of the phraseological units, which semantics preserves the ancient archetypal form of awareness of the world. The author provides a number of observations on the nature of phraseological somatisms and their behavior in the context. All statements are illustrated by examples of phraseological units, actively operating in the modern language, as well as examples of the phraseological dictionary of the old Slavic language, which presents not only linguistic information, but also provides extensive encyclopedic information. Examples of philosophical, poetic, religious texts analyze the most “established” language combinations, including such somatisms with archaic values like ‘eyes’ and ‘mouth’. |
Key words | phraseological somatism, old Slavic language, Slavism, archaic values, anthropocentricity |
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Full article | Phraseological Somatisms of an Old Slavic Origin in Russian: Synchronism in Language Diachrony |