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Article name | System Code of the Communicative Act |
Authors | Kostyushkina G.M.Doctor of Philology, Professor kostushkina@mail.ruPaschenko M.A.Candidate of Philology |
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DOI | |
UDK | 81–13 |
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Annotation | This article considers the system approach to the communicative act. The authors reveal specific relations between the elements of the system “communicative act” at different levels of communicative process planning such as global communicative strategies, subdued strategies, communicative tactics and turns. The communicative act semantics depends on combinations and characteristics of these elements. Semantic code of the communicative act is included into utterances which express cooperative and non-cooperative communicative intentions. These intentions could be expressed in performative verbs. Performative verbs include interacting and counteracting meanings of utterances in the communicative act and form pragmatic pairs. So, these pragmatic pairs are the system code of the communicative act. Hierarchical levels in utterance planning process are also based on pragmatic pairs which have semantics subdued to the semantics of the pragmatic pairs of global communicative intentions in the communicative act. |
Key words | communicative act, system code, communicative intention, pragmatic pairs |
Article information | |
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Full article | System Code of the Communicative Act |