Article name Dostoyevsky in Slovakia (on the Issue of Illustrated Editions of Russian Literature)
Authors Martin Lizon ..Matej Bel University
Bibliographic description
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the relationship between literary and fine art. The illustration of fiction is presented as some kind of special translation of verbal text. In the article, the importance of illustration in mediation and interpretation of fiction is pointed out. It also deals with the specifics of visual text and potential shifts in the meaning, which can happen when translating this type of a text. Special attention is paid to the illustrations of printed publications of Dostoyevsky’s prose. Illustrations by Jozef Baláz are analyzed in detail, which can be seen in the novel Crime and Punishment.
Key words F. M. Dostoyevsky, prose, Slovak illustration, translation, Jozef Baláz
Article information
References 1. Valgina N. S. Teorija teksta. M.: Logos, 2003. 173 s. 2. Vashunina I. V. Vlijanie formal\'noj storony illjustracii na vosprijatie teksta // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki. Filologija. 2008. S. 7. 3. Gerchuk Ju. Ja. Sovetskaja knizhnaja grafika. M.: Znanie, 1986. 128 s. 4. Kandinskij V. O duhovnom v iskusstve. M.:Arhimed, 1992. 109 s. 5. Holešovský F. Besedy o ilustráciách a ilustrátoroch. Bratislava: Mladè letá. 1980.
Full articleDostoyevsky in Slovakia (on the Issue of Illustrated Editions of Russian Literature)