Article name Comparisons in the Novel Sankya by Z. Prilepin: Language Aspect
Authors Liu Jun ..Postgraduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes language of the novel Sankya by Zakhar Prilepin. Comparison is an important technique of the novel text formation. Comparison can be considered as a stylistic device. But it can also be regarded as a text component or as an artistic image basis. In the article comparison is presented as a text component. Metaphor is the same component of the text. Comparison hasn’t been studied in such an aspect yet, that’s why we can prove scientific novelty of the paper. Topicality of research is connected with the fact that the phenomenon of comparison draws attention of philologists as its analysis in many respects helps to describe individual style of the author. Comparisons play an important role in the novel. They strengthen substantial characteristics of the narration, deepen and concretize the language space. An individual style of the writer is connected with comparison, i. e. a language phenomenon which plays an important composition role in the text.
Key words comparison, Zakhar Prilepin, text component, individual style
Article information
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Full articleComparisons in the Novel Sankya by Z. Prilepin: Language Aspect