Article name First Snow in Russian Poetic Model of the World
Authors Morozova N.S.Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1
Article type
Annotation Snow is an important fragment of Russian poetic mode of the world. The image of the first snow is especially emphasized. In the course of the analysis of the poetic texts with word combinations the first snow, the first light snow, the first snowfall, the first snowdrifts, newly fallen snow etc., the peculiarities of aesthetic conceptualization of the first snow as a part of reality are determined and appearance of the new meanings of the first snow image in Russian poetry in the 19th– early 21st centuries is characterized. The images created according to the models ‘the first snow as an object having certain features’ and ‘an object like the first snow’ are described. It helps to reveal the aesthetic meaning of “the first snow” and to show the range of objects whose descriptions contain actualized images of the first snow.
Key words poetic model of the world, image, artistic conceptualization
Article information
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Full articleFirst Snow in Russian Poetic Model of the World