Article name Linguistic Organization of Diary Narration
Authors Motorkova I.V.Teacher of Russian and Literature
Bibliographic description
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The article covers identification and analysis of diary narration linguistic aspect. A case study of Rector’s Diary. 2005 by ������������������������������������������������������������������������S. N. ������������������������������������������������������������������Esin describes the peculiarities of diary narration linguistic organization, among which there is viewpoint change, grammatical person shifting to increase objectiveness, intertextual links, and intertwined coordinating constructions in the text. One of the peculiarities of diary narration is violation of grammar rules in using different tense forms to make events more realistic. Images in diary texts are not gradually introduced but appear fully complete. It is noted that wholeness of diary texts as independent literary works is reinforced by plurality of theme-lines. Inner dialogue of the author with readers and himself, metaphors, comparisons, parceling, and polysyndeton are analyzed as stylistic peculiarities. The mentioned components of linguistic composition evolve in the text providing for its dynamics and wholeness.
Key words linguistic organization, diary narration, intertextual links, grammar person conventionality, grammar rules violation, tense forms, continuous theme-lines, metaphor, comparison, parceling, polysyndeton, verbal coordinating construction
Article information
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Full articleLinguistic Organization of Diary Narration