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Article name | Nouns with Imprecise Meaning in Modern English |
Authors | Zhelonkina T.P.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 81’1:316.276 |
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Annotation | English nouns with imprecise meaning are described in this article. Language system requirements assume nominalization of them. The process of desemantization is demonstrated by collective nouns as well as word combinations with preposition “of”. Their generalized meaning is “amount (of)”. The spectrum of meanings from “very small” to “quite large” has been illustrated by the English words of the last two decades. This makes it possible to reveal connotation gradation which results in the occurrence of lexemes with blurred connotation. The author supports the idea that a language user is prone to produce words with imprecise meaning owing to some circumstances. Among them is the lack of language competence as well as the lack of background knowledge, and technological progress. |
Key words | imprecision, desemantization, quantity, amount |
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Full article | Nouns with Imprecise Meaning in Modern English |