Article name Modification of Order Parameters in a Pragmatic-Semantic System as a Tendency of Developing Modern Business English Communication
Authors Khramchenko D.S.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’ 42
Article type
Annotation This paper is devoted to functional relations among utterances in modern business English discourse as order parameters of a complex open self-optimizing synergetic semantic system and manipulating these relations to create a desired pragmatic field. Functional-synergetic approach helps to demonstrate dynamic evolution of the semantic field of business discourse and find out the functional meaning of using nonstandard functional relations as effective means considering the tendency to unconventional business communication. The author concludes that deliberate deviation of norms of business discourse leads to artificial chaos, but allows the system to choose the most optimal trajectory of development, change the phase and come to a new level of semantic order as well as generate new functional properties.
Key words functional linguistics, functional linguosynergetics, business discourse, pragmatics, rhetoric
Article information
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Full articleModification of Order Parameters in a Pragmatic-Semantic System as a Tendency of Developing Modern Business English Communication