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Article name | On the Origin of the Chinese Geographic Names |
Authors | Shmarova Z.V.Candidate of Philology |
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UDK | 81’373.21 |
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Annotation | The given article is devoted to the origin of the Chinese geographic names. The given problem has not been investigated by Russian sinologists yet. There are some articles by several scientists who are involved in the studies of the spread of the Chinese toponyms on the territory of Soviet Primorye region. According to the author’s point of view, linguistic description of the toponymic system of modern China is really significant for Russian sinology. The aim of the given investigation is the problem statement and the interpretation of the general points of the origin of Chinese geographic names. The linguistic description method is the basic one in this work. The studies of the origin of the toponyms are impossible without parallel investigation of history, geography and etnopsychology. Investigation of the factual material makes it possible to affirm that the dominant role in the formation of toponyms belongs to the geographic factor. But historical factors are not less essential. The origin of one group of toponyms is connected with the names of the outstanding historic figures whereas the origin of the others depends on the history of the social and economic development of the definite region. It must be mentioned that when the word building structure is concerned, the topographic base is primarily presented by the common name, more seldom – by the proper name or some other parts of speech, such as numerals, adjectives and verbs. |
Key words | toponym, toponymy, topographic base, topoaffix, common geographic terms, synonymy in terms, geographic factor, historical factor |
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Full article | On the Origin of the Chinese Geographic Names |